Never miss out on cashback again with our toolbar!


Firstly, what is a toolbar…

A toolbar is a set of icons or buttons that are part of a software program's interface or an open window which will appear as a narrow strip across the top of your screen. When you go onto your favourite brands that are registered with Widilo then you are eligible to activate your cashback whilst shopping online.


About the Widilo Toolbar

Have you ever forgotten to use Widilo when shopping online at your favourite stores? When we're eager to get that designer jacket or prized laptop we can sometimes forget to activate our cashback. However our Cashback Reminder will help make sure that you never forget to activate cashback ever again! Our toolbar is really easy to use once you have downloaded it. You will find it on our website where you can download it directly for your search engine and then you will find it in the top right hand corner of your desktop screen.


How does it work?

When shopping online at your favourite stores the toolbar will alert you to activate your cashback in one simple click on the top of your computer with the cashback button in green. All you have to do is click the activate button and voila! You can then proceed to shop online as normal whilst knowing that you can get money back from your favourite retailers. Widilo can then keep track of your purchases so you can get cashback after the sale has been verified.


The benefits!

It’s free (everyone loves free stuff!) and it's incredibly easy to use. All you have to do is make sure you click the green activate button. It's time efficient so it saves you the extra hassle finding out if you can get cashback on certain brands and most of all, enables you to receive cashback with a click of a button. You can really save both time and money whilst earning cashback online with the Widilo Cashback Reminder.


Download for free!

Download today for free by clicking the link below. For those who want to earn cashback straight into their Widilo account from popular brands such as ASOS, Adidas, Nike, Myprotein and hundreds of more big brands then the Widilo Cashback Reminder is perfect for you.

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