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Ancestry Cashback and promo codes in February 2025

Ancestry Offers

coinsUnlike a promo code, an offer is applied automatically according to the conditions defined by Ancestry.
Get a £20 voucher when you get a £79 DNA kit
Gift the 6-month UK & Ireland Records memberships for just £69.99
For just £224.99, gift someone the 12-month all-access membership
Purchase and gift someone the all-access 6-month membership for just £119.99
Get £19 off worldwide 6-month subscriptions now
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5 offers Ancestry tested and guaranteed by our teams

Our cashback and gift cards are updated regularly to offer you the best rates. Each promo code is tested by hand by our teams.

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How can I apply my Ancestry promo codes?How can I save more at Ancestry?

How can I apply my Ancestry promo codes?

Ancestry's DNA kits can unlock numerous doors to your past. You will receive a comprehensive package with simple instructions with every order. Simply send a saliva sample in the prepaid envelope supplied. The store will contact you within 6-8 weeks through an email containing a link to your online tests. Ancestry.co.uk will next scan its massive worldwide network of users to locate others who share your DNA. You can also trace your DNA back to other parts of the world to learn about your genuine background and ethnic origin. Apply the Ancestry voucher codes to save money on your kits.

  • Review the Ancestry discount codes on this page, and copy one.
  • The Ancestry website will launch automatically. Choose a subscription option and enter your information to establish an account.
  • On the order summary page, select the "Have a voucher?" text.
  • Paste your code into the "Voucher" box and click "Redeem".

How can I save more at Ancestry?

An Ancestry membership is a thoughtful and unique gift for anybody interested in discovering their family history and genetic background. To order, visit the Ancestry website and pick the gift option when placing your transaction. You will receive a gift package, including the DNA kit, which the recipient can activate and use at their leisure. Keep an eye out for seasonal specials and special promotions, which typically include large discounts, particularly on DNA packages. This page is also continuously updated with the most recent discounts and Ancestry promo codes, so check back frequently. Ancestry voucher codes listed on Widilo can often save you up to 25%. Download the free app to get your whole family history in one spot. Furthermore, the Ancestry app offers a more customised experience by displaying three new relevant discoveries. Simply navigate to the app store and search for 'Ancestry'. You can also access Ancestry discount codes through the unique app!

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