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Irish Ferries

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Irish Ferries Cashback and promo codes in February 2025

Irish Ferries Offers

coinsUnlike a promo code, an offer is applied automatically according to the conditions defined by Irish Ferries.
Kids go free on Ireland - Britain/France bookings
Get 50% off Tues to Thurs Irish Sea Caravan bookings
Get up to 15% off future bookings with Loyalty Club sign-ups
Get 10% off package breaks
Book short breaks to Britain from £252 return at Irish Ferries
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5 offers Irish Ferries tested and guaranteed by our teams

Our cashback and gift cards are updated regularly to offer you the best rates. Each promo code is tested by hand by our teams.

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How can I apply my Irish Ferries discount codes?How can I save more at Irish Ferries?

How can I apply my Irish Ferries discount codes?

If you're planning a trip to the UK, Irish Ferries can help you organise an unforgettable vacation. It not only gets you to British borders, but it also gets you into some of the country's most popular sites for less money. When you book with our Irish Ferries promo code, you'll get all this for less.

  • Look through our available Irish Ferries voucher codes to discover the one that best suits your trip needs.
  • Once you've located your code, you'll be led to the Irish Ferries website.
  • Examine the available routes and search for the ideal package.
  • Check that your Irish Ferries discount code is valid for the journey you've chosen.
  • Below your route details, there is a checkbox labelled "with Promotion code". Once you click on it, a box will pop up. Enter the Irish Ferries promotional code here.
  • Press the 'Apply' button to see your total bill decrease.

How can I save more at Irish Ferries?

Some Irish Ferries ships have children's play areas and kennels for your four-legged friends. With all of this and more, what are you waiting for? Check these tips to save more money:

  • Regular sailors can take advantage of Irish Ferries' frequent traveller program. Once enrolled in this scheme, you will receive 20% cashback for every three automobile return trips made between Ireland and Britain in a single year. To apply, all you need is an Irish Ferries account and the application form.
  • Your dogs can travel for free on Irish Ferries. You must make a reservation in advance, and you can keep them in your vehicle or place them in one of several pet-friendly kennels.
  • Sign up for the Irish Ferries newsletter to receive all the newest travel news, information, and Irish Ferries promo codes. Registration is free, and everything is delivered directly to your inbox.
  • For the most recent deals and Irish Ferries voucher codes, visit the Irish Ferries website's sales section.
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