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TrainPal Cashback and promo codes in February 2025

TrainPal Cashback

Cashback on your purchases
+£5 offered upon registration

TrainPal Offers

coinsUnlike a promo code, an offer is applied automatically according to the conditions defined by TrainPal.
Book via the app for a £0 booking fee
Get up to 30% off when you buy split tickets
Save 1/3 off when you buy a season ticket
Claim £20 off a 3-year railcard
Unlock 2% off your first booking
Get £7 train tickets from Manchester to London with Split tickets
Family & Friends Railcard - Get 60% off Children's tickets
Get up to £98 per year with a Two Together Railcard
Enjoy 33% off Group tickets
Explore tickets to Amsterdam from £84.77
Pay ZERO Booking Fee when you use the app
Save up to 50% off when you book in advance
Get 50% off most routes when you get a 16-17 Saver Railcard
Buy a 1 year railcard for just £30
Save up to 33% off Season tickets
Get 35% off a student railcard
new students get an EXTRA 5% student tickets
Save 33% off with a railcard
Student discount - 35% off with Student Beans
Trains from Manchester to London from £10.50
Save 33% off group off-peak travel
Travel between Manchester and Birmingham from £8.40
Trains from Manchester to Liverpool from just £3.50
Save £20 off a 3 year 16-25 Railcard
See our reviews on
TrustPilot Stars
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24 offers TrainPal tested and guaranteed by our teams

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Find out everything about TrainPal offers

Find a train & explore the city for less by using TrainPal voucher codesSave on your travel journey with a TrainPal discount codeMore about TrainPal & their technology!How to use a TrainPal discount code on your orderSplit tickets Does TrainPal offer discount codes?Can I combine multiple discount codes?In which category/categories can we find the TrainPal discount codes? What deals can I expect to see on Black Friday?What is Cyber Monday?

Find a train & explore the city for less by using TrainPal voucher codes

TrainPal - cheap train tickets and no booking fees, is a place to go when you are looking for the best way to find cheap train tickets for all your journeys across the UK and Italy. TrainPal offers budget savvy travellers the ability to search for the best train deals and compare times and prices all in one place. TrainPal can fix you up with great travel deals for destinations across the UK and Italy. TrainPal offers a service that will provide you with the cheapest train tickets with no booking fee options. TrainPal provides train tickets with over 100 partners including Virgin Train, Trenitalia, NTV Italo, LNER(London North Eastern Railway), GWR(Great Western Railway). TrainPal also offers a wide range of benefits for using their booking services. For example, at TrainPal you can book using their Smart journey planner and find a wide range of train tickets for UK and Italy with no booking fees. You can also opt to purchase split tickets for your UK train ticket purchases at TrainPal which can help you save up to 92%. With TrainPal you can find cheap train tickets and deals to travel the country for less. Hop on a train at London Kings Cross St Pancras and end up in trendy Bristol with a low cost travel fare. Or go further north from London Waterloo station to Newcastle and experience a wild clubbing night. With TrainPal you can connect to other cities up and down the UK without for an affordable price. Especially with the daily money saving deals TrainPal offer customers week in week out. TrainPal also provides their users with electronic tickets, so from the time you purchase your ticket to the minute you step on your train, you can enjoy a relaxed, hassle free experience. TrainPal also offers incredible deals and rates for all those who hold discount railcards. You are guaranteed to be satisfied with your bookings at TrainPal and with their extremely friendly customer service team there to help 24/7, any issues you may have can be solved with ease.


Save on your travel journey with a TrainPal discount code

Step on board and travel to the ultimate destination where you can find all the best deals for your TrainPal purchase at Widilo. Explore the crazy nightlife of Newcastle and Manchester for a lot less with a TrainPal promo code or get money off your other destinations and bookings when you use a TrainPal discount code or TrainPal voucher code found here at Widilo.

More about TrainPal & their technology!

TrainPal is a no-booking-fee, rail-ticketing website helping you travel across the UK and Italy by train. TrainPal enables you to compare and book trains with the best possible prices. As featured by The Gadget Show - a famous British TV series which focuses on consumer technology. Quickly and easily plan your train journey to any destination in the UK and Italy, and be sure you’re getting the lowest possible price every time. Wherever you want to go, you can rely on cheaper train tickets with no booking fees. TrainPal is driven by saving money for your trip. With the smart search engine, it recommends cheap fare to all travellers. To make tickets cheaper, TrainPal even does not charge any booking or credit card fees. Go further with cheap fares. Go further with TrainPal! Their smart search engine helps you to find cheap train tickets in the UK and Italy. All the search results are based on big data, which enables them to find cheap fare by searching every online booking system. Advanced technology makes it easy for you to book tickets anywhere, at any time. They take their customers' privacy seriously, with a secure and fast payment method and our privacy policy. So next time you're thinking of getting a train anywhere in the UK, choose TrainPal!

How to use a TrainPal discount code on your order

Saving on your train tickets by applying a TrainPal discount code to your order. Just take the following simple steps to ensure you get the best deal today.

  1. Take a look at Widilo for the latest TrainPal promo codes and copy the code if applicable.
  2. Click on the TrainPal link to take you through to the TrainPal home page.
  3. Choose your selected tickets and add them to your basket.
  4. Login or register for an account at TrainPal or continue as a guest.
  5. Go to your basket and make sure you apply your chosen TrainPal promotional code into the box.
  6. Sit back and enjoy your TrainPal booking even more knowing you have saved with Widilo.

Split tickets

1. What are split tickets? When you want to travel from Station A to Station C, you would expect to buy a ticket going directly from A to C. However, you may find it a lot cheaper to buy a ticket from A to B, and then one from B to C. This means you could buy two independent tickets for the same journey, pay much less. The same applies to buying tickets more than two. What’s more, you may even find it much cheaper if you accept flexible journey. For example, buy two tickets from A to B and from B to C, with 10 minutes wait at Station B. These concept are what TrainPal called split tickets, and it helps passengers saving a lot money. 2. How do you use split tickets? If you buy the same journey split tickets, travelling using split tickets travel exactly the same way they would have on a regular, “straight-through” train ticket. The only difference is that by splitting their tickets they may have paid a lot less for the same journey. You still travel at the same times. If you buy the flexible journey split tickets, you might have to check and follow the stop that we show you when you buy the tickets if needed. Whatever split journey, those cheaper tickets would cover the whole journey, instead of one more expensive ticket. The only condition when using split tickets is that the train you take must stop at all the places you have bought tickets for and not just pass through them. 3. Are split tickets legal? Split ticketing is perfectly legal and is allowed by the National Conditions of Carriage, under which all train operating companies on the national rail network operate. 4. Will it work on any journey? To get your route at the price listed, the tickets you buy (and the journey you take) need to exactly match the tickets shown. This includes ticket type (e.g. Peak or Off-peak), destination and journey time. Otherwise it may cost more. 5. Does it work with railcards? Yes. You're just buying normal tickets and, provided your railcard is valid on them, there's no problem. On odd occasions splitting without using a railcard works out even cheaper. 6. Can I split advance tickets? Yes. The savings can be fantastic. TrainPal offer split tickets with all ticket types: Advance, Off-peak, Anytime, and other types that you could find. You may find it much cheaper with advance split tickets.

Does TrainPal offer discount codes?

Yes, there are currently 24 discount codes and deals available. If you are looking for a discount code to save money on your online shopping, you have come to the right place! Simply choose from the list of TrainPal discount codes on offer, and select one that suits you. You can save money on your shopping and also get Cashback at select stores. Discover all the current TrainPal promotions here on this page.

Can I combine multiple discount codes?

Sometimes it may be possible to combine certain discount codes together, however in most circumstances only one discount code can be applied at any given time. Although there are particular deals or offers, in which some stores may allow you to add a discount code on top of another, in a seasonal sale for example. If this is valid, then this will be outlined to you in the terms and conditions.

In which category/categories can we find the TrainPal discount codes?

You can find TrainPal discount codes here at Widilo on the TrainPal page. Some TrainPal discount codes can be applied to everything, or some can be applied to specific products only. Widilo will specify each time the amount of discount you can receive as well as which product that it applies to.

What deals can I expect to see on Black Friday?

Lots! There are so many to choose from, all you have to do is pick the perfect discount code for you. We will be showcasing Black Friday phone deals, Black Friday TV deals, Black Friday laptop deals and many, many more. Just visit Widilo and we will have everything you need to save money on your online shopping for one of the biggest events of the year.

What is Cyber Monday?

Cyber Monday refers to the Monday after Black Friday, when many brands will host online-only deals and promo codes. It can be a great way to catch up on Black Friday offers you might have missed, but there are also completely unique savings for you to take advantage of too. While Cyber Monday is most closely associated with discounts on tech, you can still snag great savings on fashion, beauty and more.

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