Frequently Asked Questions
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How do reviews work?

How do reviews work?

You may share your experience with our partner retailers by leaving a review. To be able to leave a review, your cashback from the retailer must be confirmed. You may only leave one review per purchase order. In your profile, under the"Reviews" section, you can find the list of your confirmed cashbacks for which you are able to leave a review. Choose the retailer in question, and submit your opinion. Your review must be at least 150 characters long, relevant and understandable. Once validated, your review bonus will appear on your account. ⚠️ Only one review per retailer is remunerated. Review bonuses will appear on your account once it has been validated by our team. Due to the manual validation of reviews by our team, it may take several days for your bonus to appear on your profile.

Why was my review rejected?

You have left a review on the retailer, but it has been rejected by our team? If your review has been rejected by our team it is because it has not respected the publication conditions:

  1. Length (150 characters minimum)
  2. Relevant and clear
  3. Editorial quality
  4. It has been copied from another user or site

Reviews for which quality and content are deemed inappropriate will not be published and you will not receive a reward. 💡 If you believe your review does not violate any of these conditions, please contact our customer service team who will be happy to assist you.

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